We are proud to announce that Scailable has been acquired by Network Optix.
For the announcement on the Network Optix website, move here.

Edge AI Solutions. At scale.

Scale your business solutions with Edge AI.

Whether you want to integrate a new security system, improve retail analytics, automate product quality control or run your logistic operations more efficiently, you can achieve this using vision based edge AI.

By using edge AI vision solutions—or cameras connected to a gateway or IPC with the Scailable AI manager installed—it’s easy to detect objects, count people, recognize license plates, detect product anomalies, and much much more.

With the results directly logged to your application platform, your business can operate more effectively and securely. Edge AI solutions can improve your day to day business today. Together with our partners we deliver end-to-end solutions to suit your needs.

See our solutions to learn more about how edge AI solves some of the major problems in the following application domains:

Please visit our online documentation.

Contact us to get started:

Fill out the form on the right to get started directly using edge AI. If you have questions, feel free to reach out anytime using our chat.